Biography of Haf iz Ibn Kathir - The Author of Tafsir Ibn Kathir
By the Honored Shaykh ` Abdul-Qadir Al-Arna'ut , may Allah protect
He is the respected Imam, Abu Al-Fida', ` Imad Ad-Din Isma il bin 'Umar
bin Kathir Al-Qurashi Al-Busrawi - Busraian in origin; Dimashqi in
t raining, learning and residence.
Ibn Kathir was born in the city of Busra in 701 H. His father was the
Friday speaker of the village, but he died while Ibn Kathir was only
four years old. Ibn Kathir's brother, Shaykh Abdul-Wahhab, reared him
and taught him unt il he moved to Damascus in 706 H. , when he was
f ive years old
Ibn Kathir's Teachers
Ibn Kathir studied Fiqh - Islamic j urisprudence - with Burhan Ad-Din,
Ibrahim bin ` Abdur-Rahman Al-Fizari, known as Ibn Al-Firkah (who
died in 729 H). Ibn Kathir heard Hadiths f rom ` Isa bin Al-Mut im,
Ahmad bin Abi Talib, (Ibn Ash-Shahnah) (who died in 730 H), Ibn Al-
Haj j ar, (who died in 730 H), and the Hadith narrator of Ash-Sham
(modern day Syria and surrounding areas); Baha Ad-Din Al-Qasim bin
Muzaf far bin ` Asakir (who died in 723 H), and Ibn Ash-Shirdzi, Ishaq
bin Yahya Al-Ammuddi, also known as ` Af if Ad-Din, the Zahiriyyah
Shaykh who died in 725 H, and Muhammad bin Zarrad. He remained
with Jamal Ad-Din, Yusuf bin Az-Zaki AlMizzi who died in 724 H, he
benef ited f rom his knowledge and also married his daughter. He also
read with Shaykh Al-Islam, Taqi Ad-Din Ahmad bin ` Abdul-Halim bin
` Abdus-Salam bin Taymiyyah who died in 728 H. He also read with the
Imam Haf iz and historian Shams Ad-Din, Muhammad bin Ahmad bin
Uthman bin Qaymaz Adh-Dhahabi, who died in 748 H. Also, Abu Musa
Al-Qarafai, Abu Al-Fath Ad-Dabbusi and 'Ali bin ` Umar As-Suwani and
others who gave him permission to t ransmit the knowledge he learned
with them in Egypt .
In his book, Al-Mu j am Al-Mukhtas, Al-Haf iz Adh-Dhaliabi wrote that
Ibn Kathir was, "The Imam, scholar of j urisprudence, skillful scholar of
Hadith, renowned Fagih and scholar of Tafsir who wrote several
benef icial books. "
Further, in Ad-Durar Al-Kdminah, Al-Haf iz Ibn Haj ar AlAsqalani said,
"Ibn Kathir worked on the subj ect of the Hadith in the areas of texts
and chains of narrators. He had a good memory, his books became
popular during his lifet ime, and people benef ited f rom them af ter his
death. "
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